Some people know a lot about one generation of their family in, for example the 1870s, and they wish to follow them forward in time (as opposed to back); this type of research is called a Descendant Family History.
Many people order a Descendant Family History in the hope of finding traces of their Irish family, after their own direct descendant emigrated and lost touch with ‘home’. In other cases, some people want to find out what happened to the generations after one or more individuals within the family emigrated and lost touch with the homeland. A common request is to try and locate living relatives within Ireland, the UK or elsewhere. Whilst this is possible, privacy laws relating to living persons are often more restricted than for those who have already died, making the search for living relatives more difficult.
If commissioning a Descendant Family History, it is best (for reasons outlined above) to take one generation at a time so we can assess progress as the research is on-going. The cost of a Descendant Family History will depend on the results as they unfold, so we do not advise a one-size-fits-all cost for this type of research. Costing is assessed on blocks of research time based on an average €45 per hour (up to 5 hours); for 5 + research hours we ususally offer a reduction on the hourly rate. In addition, please allow about €55 for the purchase of record copies (usually birth, marriages and death records, maps, valuation entries etc) which are a necessary part of carrying out successful research. We will not charge above this amount without prior agreement and as we charge cost price you will only be charged for the records purchased.
To order a Descendant Family History, please fill out our Assessment Form on the home page main menu and select Descendant Family History from the drop down menu.
Whilst we will endeavour to complete your Descendant Family History as promptly as possible, please allow 4-6 weeks for the completed report.
On completion of the research, your Descendant Family History will be sent to you electronically, in Pdf format. If desired, for an additional sum (depending on size or report), a bound soft/hard copy can also be sent by post.